Design Documentation Standards – How to Write a Functional Spec


I would like to know what documents (ISO?) should I follow when I write a functional specification. Or what should designers follow when creating the system design? I was told that there was a progress in last years but was not told what the progress was in (college professor). Thank you

EDIT: I do not speak about document content etc. but about standards for capturing requirements, for business analysis.

Best Answer

I'm more of a CMMI fan, but that might be because I've gone through the pain of getting to level 3 -- on what was originally a research project. "If we knew what we were doing we wouldn't call it research." That's a bit counter to the concepts of to any those software quality / process improvement efforts. I've also been with organizations that became ISO 9001 certified.

Both CMMI and ISO can be a bit (more than a bit!) burdensome. Getting certified at CMMI-DEV 3 is costly, in dollars and in time. Quality is not free. (At least that silly management mantra went out the door.) IMO, CMMI level 2 is a reasonable target for most organizations; CMMI 3 is where you start to need to be very sure the product is right. CMMI 4 and beyond: I wouldn't want to work there. The stuff I work on, if done wrong, could lead to hundred of million dollar catastrophes. Research project quality, or even CMMI 2, was not good enough. CMMI 4 was (thankfully) deemed too counterproductive.

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