What to Do When Facing a New Programming Task


I started my career as a .NET developer 3 months ago and after a long training plan on diverse technologies, patterns and concepts the developers who were supervising me have decided that I am ready to join one of the many projects the company handles.

I am very excited to finally be able to start coding. The team I have joined is rather small for now because were starting with a new project, which is great because I get to be involved in the entire life cycle of the project. It is a web based SPA project with a backed that uses ASP.NET MVC/ASP.NET Web API and in front-end the Durandal framework and related libraries.

My problem is that after having a meeting with my colleagues and establishing the tasks and estimations for the next month I find myself in a position that I do not know if I am capable of taking on any of the tasks.

I have never done any of the created tasks and I do not know how should I proceed.

For example one of tasks created is creating a generic error handling mechanism for the entire application.

How does one usually proceed when faced with tasks that he has never done?

Best Answer

There are several things you can and should do to prepare for the task:

  • Think about the problem and draw some diagrams. Make sure that you know what the problem is that you are trying to solve.
  • Do research on what you are trying to do. The internet is a valuable source of information. I am not saying ask Stack Overflow -- I am saying do research on how other people have already solved a problem like yours or approached it. This what google came up with: "Exception Handling as a System Wide Concern". Personally, I always try to learn from others.
  • Lastly, and this might the most important, talk the other people on your team to get more clarification and direction on what to do. I always want to see new engineers come ask for guidance on projects.

Not knowing how to do something will never really end. Every day I run into problems that I have never tackled before. Having the ability to figure out how to solve new problems is extremely important. Even old problems are never totally old -- in programming, there is almost always a new twist or a request for your solution to work in a new or different way.

This is why I am an engineer; I love to figure out new stuff.

Never stop learning new things. Learning is what makes you better.

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