Design Patterns – Did the Gang of Four Thoroughly Explore Pattern Space?


Ever since I first learned about the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, at least 10 years ago, I am having the impression that these 23 patterns should be only a small sample of something much larger which I like to call the Pattern Space. This hypothetical Pattern Space consists of all recommendable solutions (known or unknown) for common object oriented software design problems.

So I expected the number of known and documented design patterns to grow significantly.

It did not happen. More than 20 years after the GoF book came out, only 12 additional patterns are listed in the Wikipedia article, most of which are much less popular than the original ones. (I did not include the concurrency patterns here because they cover a specific topic.)

What are the reasons?

  • Is the GoF set of patterns actually more comprehensive than I think?

  • Did the interest in finding new patterns drop, maybe because they have been found to not be all that useful in software design?

  • Something else?

Best Answer

When the Book came out, a lot of people thought that way, and there were many efforts to create "pattern libraries" or even "pattern communities." You can still find some of them:

But then...

Did the interest in finding new patterns drop, maybe because they are not really that useful in software design?

This, very much. The point of design patterns is improve communication between developers, but if you try to add more patterns you quickly get to the point where people can't remember them, or misremember them, or disagree on what exactly they should look like, and communication is not, in fact, improved. That already happens a lot with the GoF patterns.

Personally, I'd go even further: Software design, especially good software design, is far too varied to be meaningfully captured in patterns, especially in the small number of patterns people can actually remember – and they’re far too abstract for people to really remember more than a handful. So they’re not helping much.

And far too many people become enamoured with the concept and try to apply patterns everywhere – usually, in the resulting code you can’t find the actual design between all the (completely meaningless) Singletons and Abstract Factories.

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