Security – Difference Between Fabrication and Modification


I came across one of the books related to information security where i saw these two terms, fabrication and modification of data.

I can't figure out how they are different?

What is the difference between fabrication and modification of data?

Could anyone please explain me these, in very simple terms?


fabrication: An unauthorized party inserts counterfeit objects into the system and basically attacks the authenticity of the system.

modification: An unauthorized party modifies the assets of the system and basically attacks the integrity of the system.

Best Answer

Let's assume you break into a billing system and want to create havoc:

Fabrication would, for example mean, you make up a non-existant supplier with made up contracts and regularily payments to your own account.

Modification would mean in the same context you pick an existing supplier with existing valid contracts and existing, valid payments but change his account number to yours.

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