OSS Copyright Notice – Displaying in Closed Source Android App

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I am considering the usage of various open source libraries in a closed source Android app. The libraries are released under various licenses (MIT, BSD modern, Apache 2.0) which allow this kind of usage, but require that the copyright notice is made available verbatim with the application.

I have seen various approaches, at least four:

  1. A submenu triggers a dialog where project names and relative licenses are displayed, e.g. Google apps.
  2. A message like "This app uses various projects released under license XXXX" is displayed on the app website. No notice is present inside the application or in the Play Store description, e.g. Whatsapp.
  3. No mention is done of the libraries being distributed with the application.
  4. Like 3, but the APK contains a /license folder.

What is the best practice? Maybe something else? Are approaches #2 and #3 even in compliance?

As a passionate contributor to various open source projects, I would really go with #1. Unfortunately, I am not in charge, so I must be able to argue about #2 and #3 too and/or propose a better solution.

Best Answer

Most OSS licenses don't try to precisely prescribe what is expected, as they cannot reasonably know what environment they run in. After all, the freedom to run FOSS code in many environments is a fundamental part of what it means to be FOSS code.

Instead, there's usually a clause that relies on implicit or contextual norms. For instance, the requirement can be to display all the copyright information in one place. Hiding some of the relevant copyright information in another location, just because you don't own those copyrights can be seen as disingenuous. if you think your copyright belongs in dialog X, then you better place all copyrights there. If you find it acceptable to have only a link to a mobile webpage in your app, even for your own copyrights, it's likely the FOSS copyright owners will accept this.

Note that "contextual norm" can be set by third parties. If Apple decides to have a form where you need to state copyrights, then that becomes the norm for all iPhone apps, and you must list FOSS copyrights along with your own.