Divide and Conquer algorithms – Why not split in more parts than two


In divide and conquer algorithms such as quicksort and mergesort, the input is usually (at least in introductory texts) split in two, and the two smaller data sets are then dealt with recursively. It does make sense to me that this makes it faster to solve a problem if the two halves takes less than half the work of dealing with the whole data set. But why not split the data set in three parts? Four? n?

I guess the work of splitting the data in many, many sub sets makes it not worth it, but I am lacking the intuition to see that one should stop at two sub sets.

I have also seen many references to 3-way quicksort. When is this faster? What is used in practice?

Best Answer

It does make sense to me that this makes it faster to solve a problem if the two halves takes less than half the work of dealing with the whole data set.

That is not the essence of divide-and-conquer algorithms. Usually the point is that the algorithms cannot "deal with the whole data set" at all. Instead, it is divided into pieces that are trivial to solve (like sorting two numbers), then those are solved trivially and the results recombined in a way that yields a solution for the full data set.

But why not split the data set in three parts? Four? n?

Mainly because splitting it into more than two parts and recombining more than two results results in a more complex implementation but doesn't change the fundamental (Big O) characteristic of the algorithm - the difference is a constant factor, and may result in a slowdown if the division and recombination of more than 2 subsets creates additional overhead.

For example, if you do a 3-way merge sort, then in the recombination phase you now have to find the biggest of 3 elements for every element, which requires 2 comparisons instead of 1, so you'll do twice as many comparisons overall. In exchange, you reduce the recursion depth by a factor of ln(2)/ln(3) == 0.63, so you have 37% fewer swaps, but 2*0.63 == 26% more comparisons (and memory accesses). Whether that is good or bad depends on which is more expensive in your hardware.

I have also seen many references to 3-way quicksort. When is this faster?

Apparently a dual pivot variant of quicksort can be proven to require the same number of comparisons but on average 20% fewer swaps, so it's a net gain.

What is used in practice?

These days hardly anyone programs their own sorting algorithms anymore; they use one provided by a library. For example, the Java 7 API actually uses the dual-pivot quicksort.

People who actually do program their own sorting algorithm for some reason will tend to stick to the simple 2-way variant because less potential for errors beats 20% better performance most of the time. Remember: by far the most important performance improvement is when the code goes from "not working" to "working".

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