Does code format affect performance

code formattingperformance

I think I have came across a few times when I reformat some segment of code, it performed the way I wanted it to other than the other poorly formatted segment of code? Does code format affect performance? Or is that a myth?

Best Answer

In a compiled language, any superfluous whitespaces, comments or other elements without syntactical meaning do not survive the tokenization step of the compilation, so it doesn't make a difference at all for the resulting binary (at least for the executable parts - some compilers might embed original sourcecode in the generated binary for debugging purposes, but those parts of the binary aren't executed).

In purely interpreted languages, the interpreter needs to parse all whitespaces. So formating can actually slow down the interpreter a tiny bit. But more advanced* interpreters usually compile the code in-memory to an optimized representation ("bytecode") before they execute it . In this step, whitespaces are usually also stripped, so it shouldn't matter for runtime either.

*in this case "more advanced" means "anything you would use in a 2014 production environment".

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