Does each process have it’s own section of data, text , stack and heap in the memory


enter image description here

I have created the above picture to illustrate my question.

Is there a section within memory (lets say from address 0x1 to 0x15) that all processes use to place their text segment in (left figure), or each process gets a random location in memory to use for it's combination of heap, stack , text and data(right figure)?

Best Answer

Modern Operating Systems tend to deduplicate memory at the page level. The idea is that the data and text segments may be copy-on-write shared (or just straight shared if the pages are not writable) between processes.

There is a good chance that “real” memory will not be contiguous or flow linearly at all, and that the virtual address space of each process will look exactly as you describe in the rightmost picture, with the caveat that the actual physical pages backing the virtual pages in a process may be shared with another process.

Also, Address Space Layout Randomization means that the various segments themselves may live at randomized locations with very very large distances between them (especially for 64 bit machines where there the address space is truly huge).

Finally remember that a process may have several threads, which all have their own stacks. So you would actually see multiple stacks floating around in each address space of the processes.

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