Does haskell have dependent types


I know Haskell already has the ability to parametrise a type over another type (similar to template programming in C++), but I'm wondering whether Haskell can also parametrise a type over values – whether it supports dependent types. With dependent types, you can have a type that's parametrised over integers, for example vectors of size n, matrices of size n×m, etc.

If not, why not? And is there any possibility that it will be supported in the future?

Best Answer

Haskell doesn't quite have full dependent types, although it can get very close with extensions like DataKinds and TypeFamilies. The issue at the moment, as far as I know, is that value-level Haskell has explicit bottoms but type-level Haskell does not.

This doesn't stop you from parametrizing types over other types, including the DataKind-lifting of values. As of GHC 7.6, and with DataKinds enabled, you can use type-level naturals and strings, as well as type-level tuples, type-level lists, and the type-level liftings of any (non-higher-kinded, non-generalized, non-constrained) algebraic data types, which is similar to (but much more general than) C++'s ability to use integers in templates.

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