Programming Languages – Does Syntax Depend on Implementation?


Although, my question may be entirely irrelevant, but I have sensed a pattern between most programming languages and their official implementations.

Interpreted (byte-interpreted?) languages like Python , Lua etc. usually have an extremely lenient and easy syntax and are generally type-less or do not require the developer to explicitly write variable types in source code;

Compiled languages like C , C++ , Pascal etc. usually have a strict syntax, generally have types and mostly require more code / development time

Languages whose official implementations are JIT-Compiled like Java / C# usually are a unique compromise between the above two with some of the best features of both.

Some of the more modern compiled programming languages like D and Vala (and the GNU GJC implementation of Java) are perhaps an exception to this rule and resemble the Syntax and features of JIT-Compiled languages like Java and C#.

My first question is, is this really relevant? Or is this just a coincidence that most interpreted languages have easy syntax , JIT-Compiled ones have a moderate syntax and features etc.

Secondly, if this is not a coincidence, then why is it so? Like, for example, can some features only be implemented in a programming language if you are, say, JIT-Compiling it?

Best Answer

There is no connection whatsoever between semantics and syntax. Homoiconic compiled languages like Scheme comes with a pretty minimalistic syntax. Low level compiled meta-languages like Forth are even simpler than that. Some very strictly typed compiled languages are built upon a trivial syntax (think ML, Haskell). OTOH, Python syntax is very heavyweight, in terms of a number of syntax rules.

And yes, typing has nothing to do with syntax, it's on the semantics side of a language, unless it's something as perverted as C++, where you cannot even parse without having all the typing information available.

A general trend is that languages that evolved for too long and did not contain any design safeguards against syntax deviations would sooner or later evolve into syntactic abominations.