Domain Services vs. Factories vs. Aggregate Roots


After dealing with DDD for months now, I'm still confused about the general purposes of domain services, factories and aggregate roots in relation to each other, e.g. where they overlap in their responsibility.

Example: I need to 1) create a complex domain entity in a saga (process manager) which is followed by 2) a certain domain event that needs to be handled elsewhere whereas 3) the entity is clearly an aggregate root that marks a bounded context to some other entities.

  1. The factory IS be responsible for creation of the entity/aggregate root
  2. The service CAN create the entity, since he also throws the domain event
  3. The service CAN act as a aggregate root (create 'subentity' of 'entity' with ID 4)
  4. The aggregate root can create and manage 'subentities'

When I introduce the concept of a aggregate root as well as a factory to my domain, a service seems no longer needed. However, if I'm not, the service can handle everything needed as well with the knowledge and dependencies he has.

Code Example
based on the ubiquitous language of a car repair shop

public class Car : AggregateRoot {

    private readonly IWheelRepository _wheels;
    private readonly IMessageBus _messageBus;

    public void AddWheel(Wheel wheel) {
        _messageBus.Raise(new WheelAddedEvent());


public static class CarFactory {

    public static Car CreateCar(string model, int amountofWheels);



public class Car {

    public ICollection<Wheel> Wheels { get; set; }


public interface ICarService {

    Car CreateCar(args);
    void DeleteCar(args);
    Car AddWheel(int carId, Wheel wheel);


Best Answer

After dealing with DDD for months now, I'm still confused about the general purposes of domain services, factories and aggregate roots in relation to each other, e.g. where they overlap in their responsibility.

The aggregate root is responsible for ensuring that the state is consistent with the business invariant. In CQRS lingo, you change the model by issuing commands to an aggregate root.

The domain service is a query support mechanism for the aggregates. For example, a domain service might support a calculation. The command handler passes the domain service to the aggregate, the aggregate (processing a command) needs the result of the calculation, so it will pass to the domain service the parts of its state that are needed as inputs to the calculation. The domain service makes the calculation and returns the result, and the aggregate then gets to decide what to do with the result.

"Factory" can mean a couple of things. If you are using the factory to create an entity that is within the aggregate boundary, then it's just an implementation detail -- you might use it if the construction of the object is complicated.

In some circumstances, the term "Repository" is used. This usually implies that it is part of the persistence layer (not part of the domain model) responsible for creating aggregate roots. Roughly, the command handler (which is part of the application) validates a command, then uses the Repository to load the aggregate root that the command is addressed to. The command handler will then invoke the specified method on the aggregate root, passing in parameters from the command object, and possibly passing in the domain service as an argument as well.

In your examples, the key question to ask is where the responsibility for deciding whether a command should be run lives. The application is responsible for making sure that the command is well formed (all the command data is present, the data was translated into values recognized by the domain without throwing validation errors, and so on). But who gets to decide "No, you don't get to add a wheel right now -- the business rules don't allow it!"

In the DDD world, that is unquestionably the responsibility of the aggregate root. So any logic to determine that should be in the aggregate root, and the ICarService goes away.

(The alternative implementation, where the aggregate exposes its state, and the cars service checks the business rules and manipulates the state of the object, is regarded as an anti pattern -- an example of an "anemic" aggregate. "Setters" in an aggregate is a code smell. "Getters" in an aggregate are often a code smell -- especially in CQRS, where the responsibility for supporting queries is supposed to be "somewhere else" -- in the read model.)

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