Programming Languages – Understanding Early and Late Binding


I keep hearing about early and late binding, but I do not understand what they are. I found the following explanation which I do not understand:

Early binding refers to assignment of values to variables during design time whereas late binding refers to assignment of values to variables during run time.

Could someone please define the two types of binding and compare them?

Best Answer

There are two major concepts in confusion: binding and loading. It is conflated by the concept of DataBinding, which is somewhere in the middle often doing both. After considering it, I am going to add one more concept, to complete the trifecta, dispatch.


Late Binding: type is unknown until the variable is exercised during run-time; usually through assignment but there are other means to coerce a type; dynamically typed languages call this an underlying feature, but many statically typed languages have some method of achieving late binding

Implemented often using [special] dynamic types, introspection/reflection, flags and compiler options, or through virtual methods by borrowing and extending dynamic dispatch

Early Binding: type is known before the variable is exercised during run-time, usually through a static, declarative means

Implemented often using standard primitive types


Static Dispatch: known, specific function or subroutine at compile time; it is unambiguous and matched by the signature

Implemented as static functions; no method can have the same signature

Dynamic Dispatch: not a specific function or subroutine at compile time; determined by the context during execution. There are two different approaches to "dynamic dispatch," distinguished by what contextual information is used to select the appropriate function implementation.

In single [dynamic] dispatch, only the type of the instance is used to determine the appropriate function implementation. In statically-typed languages, what this means in practice is that the instance type decides which method implementation is used irrespective of the reference type indicated when the variable is declared/assigned. Because only a single type -- the type of the object instance -- is used to infer the appropriate implementation, this approach is called "single dispatch".

There is also multiple [dynamic] dispatch, where input parameter types also help determine which function implementation to call. Because multiple types -- both the type of the instance and the type(s) of the parameter(s) -- influence which method implementation is selected, this approach is dubbed "multiple dispatch".

Implemented as virtual or abstract functions; other clues include overridden, hidden, or shadowed methods.

NB: Whether or not method overloading involves dynamic dispatch is language-specific. For example, in Java, overloaded methods are statically dispatched.


Lazy Loading: object initialization strategy that defers value assignment until needed; allows an object to be in an essentially valid but knowingly incomplete state and waiting until the data is needed before loading it; often found particularly useful for loading large datasets or waiting on external resources

Implemented often by purposefully not loading a collection or list into a composite object during the constructor or initialization calls until some downstream caller asks to see the contents of that collection (eg. get_value_at, get_all_as, etc). Variations include loading meta information about the collection (like size or keys), but omitting the actual data; also provides a mechanism to some runtimes to provide developers with a fairly safe and efficient singleton implementation scheme

Eager Loading: object initialization strategy that immediately performs all value assignments in order to have all the data needed to be complete before considering itself to be in a valid state.

Implemented often by providing a composite objects with all their known data as soon as possible, like during a constructor call or initialization

Data Binding: often involves creating an active link or map between two compatible information streams so that changes to one are reflected back into the other and vice versa; in order to be compatible they often have to have a common base type, or interface

Implemented often as an attempt to provide cleaner, consistent synchronization between different application aspects (eg view-model to view, model to controller, etc.) and talks about concepts like source and target, endpoints, bind/unbind, update, and events like on_bind, on_property_change, on_explicit, on_out_of_scope

EDIT NOTE: Last major edit to provide description of examples of how these often occur. Particular code examples depend entirely on the implementation/runtime/platform

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