Encryption – Encrypt and Decrypt Password for a Specific Application


I have a basic web application where users can login and edit their profile. In the profile they can submit an username and a password for a different application. I'd like to take that password and encrypt it. Later, when I want to connect to that different application I need to decrypt the password.

Is there a common pattern for this scenario? Or some other advice you might have?
Just in case it matters, I want to connect to JIRA without having the user have to submit his password on every request / login to the page.

Thanks, Sven

To make it more clear, I have a web appliction where users can signup/login/etc, this uses a authentication/authorization library (friend) and its all well.
However, from my webapp I want users to connect to a jira instance that they can choose and where they have to provide a username/pw combo which I cannot hash, because I need to send them unhashed to the JIRA instance.

What I am thinking of right now is to display a login dialog to the user as soon as he wants to request his JIRA instance. There he provides his username/password combo for JIRA and I send a REST request to JIRA from the client side, so no user/password is sent to my server.
I get a sessionid back then, which I can use for further requests. What do you think about that approach?

Best Answer

I would suggest two things.

  1. Don't do security yourself unless you really know what you are doing, or are experimenting on a trivial application that real strangers / customers are not going to use.

  2. You should not be storing passwords, even encrypted passwords. Look into 'hashes' and 'salts', 'rainbow tables' and password security. When a user tries to connect, the password they enter should be securely hashed and compared against the hash of the originally set password. As a hash function is one way, even if an attacker got hold of the list of users's hashed passwords they could not recover the original passwords (I say could not, that depends on your implementation of this theory and the compute power of the attacker).


In response to the comments: I'm not aware of patterns for that, sorry. In which case I guess you need to be holding the passwords so encrypting them is the best you can do. You could save the encrypted passwords on the users machine, send them to your server encrypted, decrypt them and send them on to authenticate against JIRA using a secure connection. That way even if your server was hacked you wouldn't be storing passwords at your end. If a user's machine is compromised there are worse things that they could do than try to crack your encryption for just one password. When chrome stores user's passwords they aren't that secure but Google have said that they don't want to give people a false sense of security and so they have no plans to improve it.