Entire webpage obfuscation


I want to obfuscate all the webpages of my website. I Googled through some free tools like HTML and Javascript obfuscation but don't know how effective they are.

First of all, does it makes sense to obfuscate a webpage that could comprise of variety of codes like Javascript, PHP etc.

Secondly, how effective is this method?

Best Answer

The best security against information being wrongfully used is to avoid sending the information over a public communications network.
If that is not an option, you have to consider who and what you are trying to protect against.

If you want to be safe from third-parties snooping the traffic between your website and your customers, then don't bother with obfuscating the webpages, but use a secure connection instead.

If you don't want your users to access some information that is needed by the browser for displaying the page or generating the next request, then encryption won't help you (the browser needs to be able to decrypt the information anyway) and obfuscation might at best slow someone down but it won't stop them obtaining the information.

For really sensitive information, you could store it locally on the server and only give out a (one time) unique ID for accessing the information on the next request.

As a sidenote, using obfuscation might make people more interested in knowing what you are trying to hide.