Hayes-Thomas Quiz – Origin of ‘Ever Change the Value of 4?’


In 1989 Felix Lee, John Hayes and Angela Thomas wrote a Hacker's test taking the form of a quiz with many insider jokes, as “Do you eat slime-molds?

I am considering the following series:

0015 Ever change the value of 4?
0016 ... Unintentionally?
0017 ... In a language other than Fortran?

Is there a particular anecdote making the number “4” particular in the series?

Did some Fortran implementation allow to modify the value of constants? Was this possible in other languages in common use at that time?

Best Answer

In the old days (1970s and before) some computers did not have any MMU (and this is true today for very cheap microcontrollers).

On such systems, there is no memory protection so no read-only segment in the address space, and a buggy program could overwrite a constant (either in data memory, or even inside the machine code).

The Fortran compilers at that time passed formal arguments by reference. So if you did CALL FUN(4) and the SUBROUTINE FUN(I) has its body changing I - e.g. with an statement I = I + 1 in its body, you could have a disaster, changing 4 into 5 in the caller (or worse).

This was also true on the first microcomputers like the original IBM PC AT from 1984, with MS-DOS

FWIW, I'm old enough to have used, as a teen ager in early 1970s, such computers: IBM1620 and CAB500 (in a museum: these are 1960s era computers!). The IBM1620 was quite fun: it used in memory tables for additions and multiplications (and if you overwrote these tables, chaos ensued). So not only you could overwrite a 4, but you could even overwrite every future 2+2 addition or 7*8 multiplications (but I really forgot these dirty details so could be wrong).

Today, you might overwrite the BIOS code in flash memory, if you are persevering enough. Sadly, I don't feel that fun any more, so I never tried. (I'm even afraid of installing some LinuxBios on my motherboard).

On current computers and operating systems passing a constant by reference and changing it inside the callee will just provoke a segmentation violation, which sounds familiar to many C or C++ developers.

BTW: to be nitpicking: overwriting 4 is not a matter of language, but of implementation.