Licensing – ExtJs License for Free Application


I read much about GPL license. But it couldn't clear my doubt.

I want to develop a small web application using ExtJs because of its features. I won't use much of it. But some features are very good.

Now, as my understanding I think I can give this app to my friend for free for his business needs, right?
Or should I take commercial license for ExtJs?

Best Answer

The Sencha Open Source FAQ covers this use case.

There are 2 important points:

First, both the front end and backend source are likely derived works for the GPL as in this example from the FAQ:


For example: let’s take a mortgage processing software program. Let’s say that the application has a front-end (that generates web pages linked to Ext JS JavaScript) that communicates over JSON/HTTP with a backend service. This backend service contains approval and validation logic for this application alone. Even if only the front-end uses Ext JS code, you should consider that the combination of front and back ends constitutes the application, and the source code for both back and front end would need to be provided to the application’s end users under GPLv3

Second, since ExtJS is run on the client they consider using the web app Conveyance:

Conveyance vs. Propagation

Since Ext JS, Sencha GXT and Sencha Touch are software programs that can run within the browser while disconnected from the network or the rest of a server program; when a Sencha based interface is embedded in a web-page served to a user who does not have an employee relationship with the original licensed entity, we consider that “conveyance” rather than simple web page “propagation” as defined by the GPL v3 has occurred, and the source code of the whole application must be provided to the user.

So you will need to make the source available to the users of the application. (Much like the AGPL.)

It is clear to me from reading their FAQ that if you intend to use ExtJS in a commercial app they want you to buy a commercial license.

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