Functional Programming – Fastest Functional Programming Languages

%fbenchmarkingfunctional programminghaskellscala

I've recently been delving into functional programming especially Haskell and F#, the prior more so. After some googling around I could not find a benchmark comparison of the more prominent functional languages (Scala,F# etc).

I know it's not necessarily fair to some of the languages (Scala comes to mind) given that they are hybrids, but I just wanna know which outperforms which on what operations and overall.

Best Answer

According the Great Benchmarks Game, ATS is faster than the rest with Haskell, Scala, and one of the variants of Common Lisp in a rough tie for speed close behind that. After that Ocaml and F# are in roughly the same speed category with Racket and Clojure lagging behind...

However, almost none of this means anything at all really. It's all a question of problem, machine, compiler, coding techniques, and in some cases, plain luck. Generally speaking, Directly machine coded languages like Haskell will outperform VM compiled languages like F# and vastly outperform purely interpreted languages. Also generally, Statically typed languages are faster than Dynamically typed due to static analysis allowing all type operations to be calculated at compile rather than run time. Again, these are general rules, there will always be exceptions. "Paradigms" have little to do with it.

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