Algorithms – How to Find a Hole in a List of Numbers


What is the fastest way to find the first (smallest) integer that doesn't exist in a given list of unsorted integers (and that is greater than the list's smallest value)?

My primitive approach is sorting them and stepping through the list, is there a better way?

Best Answer

Assuming that you mean "integer" when you say "number", you can use a bitvector of size 2^n, where n is the number of elements (say your range includes integers between 1 and 256, then you can use an 256-bit, or 32 byte, bitvector). When you come across an integer in position n of your range, set the nth bit.

When you're done enumerating the collection of integers, you iterate over the bits in your bitvector, looking for the position of any bits set 0. They now match the position n of your missing integer(s).

This is O(2*N), therefore O(N) and probably more memory efficient than sorting the entire list.

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