Shortest Path in Digraph – Finding a Path That Visits All Nodes


I am trying to find the shortest possible path that visits every node through a graph (a node may be visited more than once, the solution may pick any node as the starting node.). The graph is directed, meaning that being able to travel from node A to node B does not mean one can travel from node B to node A. All distances between nodes are equal. I was able to code a brute force search that found a path of only 27 nodes when I had 27 nodes and each node had a connection to 2 or 1 other node. However, the actual problem that I am trying to solve consists of 256 nodes, with each node connecting to either 4 or 3 other nodes. The brute force algorithm that solved the 27 node graph can produce a 415 node solution (not optimal) within a few seconds, but using the processing power I have at my disposal takes about 6 hours to arrive at a 402 node solution.

What approach should I use to arrive at a solution that I can be certain is the optimal one? For example, use an optimizer algorithm to shorten a non-optimal solution? Or somehow adopt a brute force search that discards paths that are not optimal?

EDIT: (Copying a comment to an answer here to better clarify the question) To clarify, I am not saying that there is a Hamiltonian path and I need to find it, I am trying to find the shortest path in the 256 node graph that visits each node AT LEAST once. With the 27 node run, I was able to find a Hamiltonian path, which assured me that it was an optimal solution. I want to find a solution for the 256 node graph which is the shortest.

Best Answer

This is NP-hard. If you have a solution for this problem, then you can use it on a graph with all edge weights set to 1. Then the resulting path will have the same number of nodes as the graph if and only if there is a Hamiltonian path. Since determining the existence of a Hamiltonian path is NP-hard even without finding specific solutions, any solution to this problem is at least as hard.

Wikipedia page:

Edit: You might want to look at approximate solutions, but I have little experience with those. The wiki page tells you a lot more than I can: