IDE History – What Was the First Dedicated IDE?


What was the first program that was created as a dedicated IDE? That is, purpose built for coding, rather than simply allowing integration as part of its expansion options.

This is opposed to a text editor that has generic plugin/add-in/shell features that are were not dedicated to development work.

The features I am thinking about that would qualify an editor as an IDE:

  • Code highlighting
  • Integrated compiler invocation (with error reporting)
  • Code navigation features
  • (optionally) integrated debugger

Sub question – what was the first Visual IDE? (by which I mean with an integrated GUI designer).

Best Answer

I'd nominate dBase II which appeared in 1979. It had integrated compilation and code editing/navigation and debugging. No code highlighting though - but I don't regard that as a prerequisite for making something an IDE, personally.

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