Project Management – Who Should Write and Maintain Ad-Hoc Software Applications?


Bigger companies usually have the problem, that it is not possible to write all programs employees want (to save time and to optimize processes) due to a lack of staff and money.

Then hidden programs will be created by some people having (at least some) coding experience (or by cheap students/interns…). Under some circumstances these applications will raise in importance and spread from one user to a whole department.

Then there is the critical point: Who will maintain the application, add new features, …? And this app is critical. It IS needed. But the intern has left the company. No one knows how it works. You only have a bunch of sources and some sort of documentation.

Does it make sense to try and control or forbid application development done ad-hoc outside of the IT department (with the exception of minor stuff like Excel macros)?

Best Answer

I used to work for a company where every app we gave them led to the question: Can we export this data to Excel?

After a while, I decided I had to know why they were obsessed with Excel exports for everything. It turned out that a lot of departments had one person who was an expert in Excel and could write a useful data-analysis app in no time. These apps would spread around the department like wildfire and we, the techies, had no idea they even existed.

Why didn't they come to us first? Because there was a reputation that the technical team had far too much to do and, if they did ask for it, they might (if they were lucky) get it queued up six months later.

That wasn't an unfair accusation and they never asked us to support their Excel apps, so no one really thought it was a problem. When these Excel developers left, they always managed to find someone else to pick it up.

You could argue that it meant we were prioritising incorrectly, that important work wasn't getting done. But I would argue that it freed up the more-highly-paid developers to do more difficult work. What can it hurt?

Now I would forbid software that updates the database being written outside of the development team. And I would refuse to support apps written outside of the development team. But I wouldn't try to forbid all software from being written by the business itself, and I would happily write data-exports to empower them to do so (as long as that doesn't expose data that they shouldn't see, obviously).

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