Project Management – Who Starts Tasks First in Frontend and Backend Development


Even though it depends on the context, I was wondering: during a project that requires a frontend and a backend developer, who most often starts with the tasks first? This assumes the web design is already finished and accepted – now it only needs to be implemented.

Should the frontend developer start coding the design with static data and then pass it to the backend dev to implement the backend?

I'm asking because I found this approach to be doubling the work. For example, building the frontend first with static variables, JSON, objects etc., and then passing it to the backend dev, you are never really sure how the backend dev will return the hashmap to the frontend. I've been in situations where I had to do whole day worth of additional adjustments after the backend dev finished building the API and showing to me that the frontend is a mess.

So, again, my question: who usually starts first – the frontend or the backend dev?

Best Answer

You should do features planning. Second, your backend developer should create tasks which will be done in period of two weeks (scrum), he/she should keep every task updated and to use software like swagger to describe how implemented api looks like. Also he/she should not change already implemented apis without task and your knowing.

Then your job as frontend developer would be much easier. You will know what part of api is in development, what part is already done and you can follow swagger to know how to use api.

And also you should use real api as much as possible because that way you will detect bugs earlier :)

Edit: I think it would be great if backend team is one week or all sprint in front of you. That way you will have all things you need once you start working on it.

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