Game Development – How to Create a Generic Rule Parser for RPG Board Games

game developmentparsingrules-engine

I want to build a generic rule parser for pen and paper style RPG systems. A rule can involve usually 1 to N entities 1 to N roles of a dice and calculating values based on multiple attributes of an entity.

For example:

Player has STR 18, his currently equipped weapon gives him a bonus of +1 STR but a malus of DEX -1. He attacks a monster entity and the game logic now is required to run a set of rules or actions:

Player rolls the dice, if he gets for example 8 or more (base attack value he needs to pass is one of his base attributes!) his attack is successfull. The monster then rolls the dice to calculate if the attack goes through it's armor. If yes the damage is taken if not the attack was blocked.

Besides simple math rules can also have constraints like applying only to a certain class of user (warrior vs wizard for example) or any other attribute. So this is not just limited to mathematical operations.

If you're familiar with RPG systems like Dungeon and Dragons you'll know what I'm up to.

My issue is now that I have no clue how to exactly build this the best possible way. I want people to be able to set up any kind of rule and later simply do an action like selecting a player and a monster and run an action (set of rules like an attack).

I'm asking less for help with the database side of things but more about how to come up with a structure and a parser for it to keep my rules flexible. The language of choice for this is php by the way.

Edit I:

Let me refine my goal: I want to create a user friendly interface (that does not require somebody to learn a programming language) to build more or less complex game rules. The simple reason: Personal use to not need to remember all the rules all the time, we simply do not play that often and it's a stopper to look them up each time. Also: Looks like a fun task to do and learn something. 🙂

What I've tried so far: Just thinking about a concept instead of wasting time building a wrong architecture. So far I have the idea to allow a user to create as many attributes as they want and then assign as many attributes as they want to any kind of entity. An entity can be a player, a monster, an item, anything. Now when calculating something the data is made available to the rule parser so that the rule parser should be able to do things like if Player.base_attack + dice(1×6) > Monster.armor_check then – 1; The question here is about how to create that parser.

Edit II:

Here is an example of pretty basic value but to calculate it properly there are lots of different things and variables to take into account:

Base Attack Bonus (Term) Your base attack bonus (commonly referred to
as BAB by the d20 community) is an attack roll bonus derived from
character class and level. Base attack bonuses increase at different
rates for different character classes. A character gains a second
attack per round when his base attack bonus reaches +6, a third with a
base attack bonus of +11 or higher, and a fourth with a base attack
bonus of +16 or higher. Base attack bonuses gained from different
classes, such as for a multiclass character, stack. A character’s base
attack bonus does not grant any more attacks after reaching +16,
cannot be less than +0, and does not increase due to class levels
after character level reaches 20th. A minimum base attack bonus is
required for certain feats.

You can read it here including the links to classes and feats which have again their own rules to calculate the values that are required for the base attack.

I began to think that keeping it as generic as possible will also make it pretty hard to get a good rule parser done.

Best Answer

What you’re asking for is essentially a domain-specific language—a small programming language for a narrow purpose, in this case defining P&P RPG rules. Designing a language is in principle not difficult, but there is a considerable amount of up-front knowledge that you must gain in order to be at all productive. Unfortunately, there is no central reference for this stuff—you’ve got to pick it up through trial, error, and lots of research.

First, find a set of primitive operations whereby other operations can be implemented. For example:

  • Get or set a property of the player, an NPC, or a monster

  • Get the result of a die roll

  • Evaluate arithmetic expressions

  • Evaluate conditional expressions

  • Perform conditional branching

Design a syntax that expresses your primitives. How will you represent numbers? What does a statement look like? Are statements semicolon-terminated? Newline-terminated? Is there block structure? How will you indicate it: through symbols or indentation? Are there variables? What constitutes a legal variable name? Are variables mutable? How will you access properties of objects? Are objects first-class? Can you create them yourself?

Write a parser that turns your program into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Learn about parsing statements with a recursive descent parser. Learn about how parsing arithmetic expressions with recursive descent is annoying, and a top-down operator precedence parser (Pratt parser) can make your life easier and your code shorter.

Write an interpreter that evaluates your AST. It can simply read each node in the tree and do what it says: a = b becomes new Assignment("a", "b") becomes vars["a"] = vars["b"];. If it makes your life easier, convert the AST into a simpler form before evaluation.

I recommend designing the simplest thing that will work and remain readable. Here’s an example of what a language might look like. Your design will necessarily differ based on your specific needs and preferences.

ATK = D20
if ATK >= player.ATK
    DEF = D20
    if DEF < monster.DEF
        monster.HP -= ATK
        if monster.HP < 0
            monster.ALIVE = 0

Alternatively, learn how to embed an existing scripting language such as Python or Lua into your application, and use that. The downside of using a general-purpose language for a domain-specific task is that the abstraction is leaky: all the features and gotchas of the language are still present. The upside is you don’t have to implement it yourself—and that is a significant upside. Consider it.

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