Getting ALL developers do code reviews


I'm a software developer in a 7-8 developers team. We've been doing code reviews for quite some time now and code quality has improved over time.

However I recently noticed that some developers are being asked for more code reviews than the others. I'm afraid that's because of their flexible attitude.

In my view, this is not how code reviews should be done: all the team should be accountable for it and code reviewers shouldn't be chosen for their willingness to easily accept changes.

How do you deal with this issue in your team?

Have you established rules for choosing code reviewers?

Do you think code reviewers should be rewarded for the time they spend doing (good) code reviews? And how should they be rewarded?

Thanks for your answers/ideas.

Best Answer

We don't choose reviewers.

In our team:

  • All code changes must be code reviewed before the Pull Request is completed
  • At least one developer must code review (two or more reviewers are better and having testers, analysts and other team members doing code review is also extremely beneficial)

Code Reviews aren't assigned, people pick them up when it works for them. The understanding is that we can't push stories through the pipeline. On occasion someone will mention that they're awaiting a CR in the standup but that's about it.

I like this model, it gives people to pick up what they can and avoids "giving people jobs".

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