Client Relations – Getting Users to Write Decent and Useful Bug Reports

bug reportclient-relations

Does anyone know a good way to get users to write a semi-decent (read: useful) bug report?

We wanted to put up something that would make sense to most users (be easy to read and understand), yet give useful information to developers as well.

It does not work when I click the blue button! Ahhh, I just lost a week's work … make it work.

isn't very useful, as it is.

I started to fix about a list, but thought to check up with you guys, whether a similar method already exists.

Best Answer

The most effective way to get users to write decent and useful bug reports is

  1. to let them see their reports online...
    [System] Thanks for reporting, you can find status of your request here: ...
  2. ...along with the evaluation and comments from assigned engineer...
    [Engineer] Request rejected, for the following details are missing: ...
  3. ...with an option to edit / improve their report.
    [User] Requested details are added, please re-evaluate: ...

I would go as far as to claim that it's the only effective way.

Let's face it, skill to write bug reports effectively comes only with experience. One needs to learn to gain experience. Learning involves practicing, getting feedback and improving.

User-editable online bug reports are the most efficient way to teach users improve.

  • Alternative options to above are 1) to arrange face-to-face learning sessions with users (yeah sure, especially when there are thousands of them spread across the globe). Or 2) explain them things by the phone ("look, if you could only see the crap you wrote at line 225..."). What else? Oh 3) by email, sure "in the mail you sent us two months ago, you mentioned... no not that email, you sent us five emails this day, three of them were with subject Re: blue button click, look at the second one, the one with 10Mb screen shot attached to it... what? you can't find it?"
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