Git – Empirical Evidence of Popularity of Git and Mercurial


It's 2012! Mercurial and Git are both still strong.

I understand the trade-offs of both. I also understand everyone has some sort of preference for one or the other. That's fine.

I'm looking for some information on level of usage of both. For example, on, searching for Git gets you 12000 hits, Mercurial gets you 3000. Google Trends says it's 1.9:1.0 for Git.

What other empirical information is available to estimate the relative usage of both tools?

Best Answer


In a similar style to my Git vs. SVN answer, Ohloh has been crawled (only) three times by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, but July 2011 is unreadable:

August 2010

  • Git: 26,485 repositories (11.3% of total)
  • Mercurial: 2,548 repositories (1.1% of total)
  • Ratio: 10.4:1.0

May 2011

  • Git: 116,224 repositories (35.3% of total)
  • Mercurial: 3,753 repositories (1.1% of total)
  • Ratio: 31.0:1.0

February 2012

  • Git: 124,000 repositories (26% of total)
  • Mercurial: ?

June 2012

  • Git: 134,459 repositories (27% of total)
  • Mercurial: 11,238 repositories (2% of total)
  • Ratio: 12.0:1.0

October 2013

  • Git: 238,648 repositories (38% of total)
  • Mercurial: 17,145 repositories (2% of total)
  • Ratio: 13.9:1.0

April 2014

  • Git: 238,648 repositories (38% of total)
  • Mercurial: 17,628 repositories (2% of total)
  • Ratio: 13.5:1.0

Eclipse Community Survey

Another source of data is the Eclipse Community Survey. Git values below are for Git/GitHub.

2009 (pdf)

  • Git: 2.4%
  • Mercurial: 1.1% (Note: Hg listed under "other" in 2009 report, but itemised in 2010 report)
  • Ratio: 2.2:1.0

2010 (pdf)

  • Git: 6.8%
  • Mercurial: 3%
  • Ratio: 2.3:1.0

2011 (pdf)

  • Git: 12.8%
  • Mercurial: 1.1%
  • Ratio: 11.6:1.0


  • Git: 27.6%
  • Mercurial: 2.6%
  • Ratio: 10.6:1.0


  • Git: 30.3%
  • Mercurial: 3.6%
  • Ratio: = 8.4:1.0


  • Git: 33.3%
  • Mercurial: 2.1%
  • Ratio: = 15.9:1.0


These appear to show that, of the open source repositories registered on Ohloh, and of the developers using Eclipse, Git is a good order of magnitude more popular than Mercurial.