Continuous Integration – Examples of CI Workflow Using Git

continuous integrationgitversion controlworkflows

Can anyone provide a rough outline of their git workflow that complies with continuous integration.
E.g. How do you branch? Do you fast forward commits to the master branch?

I am primarily working with Rails as well as client and server side Javascript. If anyone can recommend a solid CI technology that's compatible with those, that'd be great. I've looked into Jenkins but would like to check out other good alternatives.

To put some context into this, I am planning on transitioning from working as a single developer into working as part of the team. I'd like to start standardizing my own personal workflow so that I can onboard new devs quickly.

Best Answer

A simple workflow.

  1. Central Git Repo used by the CI server
  2. People push to a specific branch on that Repo (say Master)
  3. CI Server detects changes in master branch or runs a timed build
  4. CI Server runs unit tests
  5. Depending on your rules, the CI server can then tag the repository, and a myriad of other things.

There are countless ways to do this, do what fits your workflow the best.

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