Git – From TFS to Git

gitgithubteam-foundation-serverversion control

I'm a .NET developer and I've used TFS (team foundation server) as my source control software many times. Good features of TFS are:

  1. Good integration with Visual Studio (so I do almost everything visually; no console commands)
  2. Easy check-out, check-in process
  3. Easy merging and conflict resolution
  4. Easy automated builds
  5. Branching

Now, I want to use Git as the backbone, repository, and source control of my open source projects. My projects are in C#, JavaScript, or PHP language with MySQL, or SQL Server databases as the storage mechanism.

I just used's help for this purpose and I created a profile there, and downloaded a GUI for Git. Up to this part was so easy.

But I'm almost stuck at going along any further. I just want to do some simple (really simple) operations, including:

  1. Creating a project on Git and mapping it to a folder on my laptop
  2. Checking out/checking in files and folders
  3. Resolving conflicts

That's all I need to do now. But it seems that the GUI is not that user friendly. I expect the GUI to have a Connect To... or something like that, and then I expect a list of projects to be shown, and when I choose one, I expect to see the list of files and folders of that project, just like exploring your TFS project in Visual Studio. Then I want to be able to right click a file and select check-in... or check-out and stuff like that.

Do I expect much? What should I do to easily use Git just like TFS? What am I missing here?

Best Answer

The advantages git has come from tossing out a lot of old assumptions about what a VCS should do. The disadvantages git has come from not being able to leverage prior experience and not being able to do things the way you are used to.

If you are going to switch from something else to git, try to start tabula-rasa (though it is impossible to truly do in practice). Evaluate it based on what it does and how well it does it, not on how it does it compared to how you are used to doing it. It's not that you expect too much, it's that your expectations are orthogonal to what git provides. If you're married to GUI operation, you'll be disappointed. Git does have gui tools available, but they don't add much. That's not a failure to provide them so much as there isn't that much that a gui can add. GitK does help, not in day-to-day operations, but rather in visualizing the branch structure and examining or searching history.

Here's a goofy analogy for what I mean by "orthogonal". One of the things you can do with a newspaper is wrap fish in it, or use it to line a birdcage. But those are not essential to the function of a newspaper, those are incidental features of the form it comes in. Expecting git to "check in files", or "allow you to select projects", or provide a "connect to..." is kind of like expecting to be able to wrap fish or line your birdcage with a newspaper's website.

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