GitHub Issue Tracking – How to Get Anonymous Users to Submit Bugs on Private Projects


Our company has a private GitHub repository for the project I'm working on. After a full summer of work, it looks like we'll be launching this week (wheee!). However, I want to include a "submit a bug" link in the program that leads to a form somewhere where the user can fill out a form that becomes an issue for us on GitHub. Googling around hasn't found any solution (or someone who has the same problem).

Is this possible (through some API, perhaps?) or will I have to manually enter the bugs my users report?

Best Answer

I don't think the API is going to help you in this case. Because the project is private no one that is not logged in AND has access to the project will be able to do anything with the project, including creating tickets.

If you use the Github API you'll have to include the username and password to an account that is a collaborator on the project. Probably not a great idea.

Your next option would be to create a public project with a similar name, but without the code. Then you can use that project to track the external customer bugs.

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