How to Keep Git Repositories on Different Hosts in Sync


I am thinking about starting a small project and I want to make its versioning with git.

Bitbucket seems a good option for me with their free plan. I want to use it as the main tool for working with git since they have nice tools like a web-interface, Mac OS client, and so on. But, in order to have higher protection from any accidental damages that can be caused by using a third-party service, I want also to install git on my NAS as a second back-up copy of the repository.

Now my question is, whether it is possible to create a repository on two different hosts and then keep them in sync? For example, suppose once per week I update the repository on my NAS to match the one on Bitbucket. Then, in case something happens with Bitbucket, I will still have the full repository with full history of development on my local NAS storage.

And is there a way to import an existing repository with full history to another git-service?

I think that mirroring is what I need.
This article seems to describe exactly what I need.
And this one as well.

I believe that it will make full copy with full history and even automatically commit new versions to the repositories on both hosts automatically.

Am I right?

Best Answer

Yes, that's exactly the beauty of DVCS such as git. You can use any number of different repos with the same state as the one on bitbucket or github.

Even you local copy (the repository on your computer) is usually a full clone of the remote repo.

The only thing you have to do to keep multiple repos in sync is pulling for one (usually called origin or upstream) and pushing to the backup copies.