Git – Solution with multiple projects and (GitHub) single issue tracker and repository

gitgithubissue-trackingprojects-and-solutionsversion control

I have a Visual Studio solution with multiple projects:

  • Acme.Core
  • Acme.Core.Tests
  • Acme.UI.MvcSite1
  • Acme.UI.MvcSite2
  • Acme.UI.WinformsApp1
  • Acme.UI.WinformsApp2

The entire solution is checked-in in a single GitHub (private) repo. Acme.Core contains our business logic and all UI projects are deployables. UI projects have different requirements and features, but some of them are implemented in more than one project.

All issues are opened in a single issue tracker and classified using labels ([MvcSite1], [WinformsApp1], etc) but I'm thinking it's starting to get messy.

Is it ok to use a single repository and issue tracker to track multiple projects in one solution?

Best Answer

Re-using the issue tracker should be fine, as long as you're tagging the issues properly so that it's easy to differentiate between projects.

Re-using the same repository is more convoluted. The advantage to this approach is removing potentially extravagant merges. On the other hand, it may become more difficult to deploy to test environments unless you can push branches out. Maybe the worst case I can think of in that scenario is if you introduce a major bug in one project, and while resolving it, require a rollback that wipes out changes made in other projects. I would think your best bet is to compartmentalize your code as best as you can and use separate repositories.

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