Git – Workflow: Using binary document formats in Git without locks (moving from subversion)


We're a software consultancy with a multitude of projects for different customers. We traditionally use Subversion, but are currently considering moving to Git.

A significant portion of the documents we produce are shared with our customers (requirements, global designs, test specs, etc), and we use MS Office to produce these. In Subversion, we could use its "Lock" feature to ensure that no one was editing the same document at the same time. In Git, you can't do that since by its distributed nature, git doesn't have locks.

Locks are really little more than a communication mechanism, but they're a very effective one.

Currently, our code and customer-facing documents are typically in different subfolders of a different svn repository. When moving to git, what would you recommend we do? I see a set of options:

  1. We move the svn repositories to git 1-on-1. Instead of using locks on the Office files, we do what the git people suggest and somehow try to change our workflow to fix it. This could be working in a branch on any document edit, and merging that over review. This approach breaks over e.g. Excel sheets that contain project management info; they're easily edited by team members (and we encourage that this is done), but not subject to any formal review process

  2. We use git for code and svn for docs and project management. This has the disadvantage that certain more design-ish documents won't be "nearby" the code it specs, increasing the chance that people forget to update them. Additionally, everybody has to use and understand two sets of tools. That said, maybe this is a great opportunity to move to text-based doc tools (latex, markdown, HTML, whatever) for non-customer-facing design docs.

  3. Like 1, but we hack up a git lock command that does what svn lock does for us (toggle the read-only flag appropriately and sync with a server through some means).

I don't buy the argument that locks don't work in a DVCS because the system should even work when you're entirely offline. Svn locks can be overridden as well; they're a communication mechanism. Without some sort of network connection, you won't get your computer to communicate a lot.

We can't be the only shop who're very happy with how svn lock fits in our workflow, right?

Any ideas or tips?

I found but the discussion is rather technical; i'm looking for ways to solve or avoid the practical problem of two team members editing the same binary file at the same time.

Best Answer

I would advise you to stay with SVN for the MS Office documents for two reasons:

  1. It is already there and it is (in my opinion) better for keeping Office documents (look here). Has much more third party tools for doing this.
  2. The lock, though can be achieved in Git, is not "the Git kind of way of doing things". If you need these features, stick with the tool that gives you the best solution.

There is a saying that I like that says something like this: "When You're Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail". Just because you are moving to Git to hold you code, it doesn't mean that you should use it to hold your documents.

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