Java Coding Style – Determining the Granularity of a Method

clean codecoding-stylejavalist

I have a general design question. Suppose I have a List:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

list.add("Str 1");
list.add("Str 2");
list.add("Str 3");

I need to process the elements of that list in a loop. There are at least 3 options that I can think of.

Passing only the list the perform the operations:

public List<String> processListInLoop(List<String> list) {
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        // do something with the element
        // list.get(index).
    return list;

Passing the list with the index of an element:

public List<String> processListWithIndex(List<String> list, int index) {
    // do something with the element
    // list.get(index).

    return list;

Passing the element directly:

public String processElement(String str) {
    // do something with the element
    // str.

    return str;

The methods would be called like this:

// option 1

// option 2
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    processListWithIndex(list, i);

// option 3
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

Is there a rule about the granularity of a method?
My guess would be to use option 1, as that method encapsulates most of the logic.

Best Answer

My guess would be to use option 1, as that method encapsulates most of the logic.

By that logic the only method you need is main(). Bleh.

There is no one good answer to your method granularity question because there no one good granularity to rule them all. In fact I'd argue that a good design might just put option 3 inside option 1. Will need better names first. And why are you returning the list if you're mutating it?

Good functions come in many granularities. Many levels of abstractions. Generally, shorter is better. But that doesn't mean there's any rule about putting looping inside or outside of a function.

There is value in being able to separate looping logic and the operation to be performed on the elements of the list. Which is why we've invented ways to keep them separate: map(), reduce(), foreach(), and other such methods that apply a lambda. There are also specialty functions like Arrays.fill() that keep you from looking at multiple semicolons on one line. There's also old school techniques like recursion that can simplify some problems (while sneaking in other problems).

Bugs love to hide in looping logic. Don't begrudge me the functions I need to make it easy to read.

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