Visual Studio – Handling Generated Files in a Project

msbuildprojects-and-solutionsvisual studio

I have a Visual Studio Project that is using a MSBuild task to generate some code files. (The basis are xml files, and the generated code is quite lengthy, but noting special, just a lot of boilerplate.)

I’m not sure how I should handle the generated files:

  • Not include generated files in the project, and use MSBuild to make sure they get compiled (by adding respective <Compile...> tags to the <Target>).

  • Include generated files in the project, but exclude them from source control.

Any other options? Are there issues with these options? Experiences so far? Recommendations or best practices?

Best Answer

Personally I include only the source files WRT source control. Its a rare case when generated files should be added to source control - maybe if they were generated once and never changed, and the generation step is lengthy or complex, otherwise I can't think of a good reason.

For compilation - if they need to be added to the project then I tend to add them - I prefer not to have hidden compilation files as part of the project as I prefer to know what its really building without any surprises. I do tend to put generated files in a filtered folder though so they are tucked away from daily view though.

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