How come compilers are so reliable


We use compilers on a daily basis as if their correctness is a given, but compilers are programs too, and can potentially contain bugs. I always wondered about this infallible robustness. Have you ever encountered a bug in the compiler itself? What was it and how did you realize the problem was in the compiler itself?

…and how do they make compilers so reliable?

Best Answer

They get tested thoroughly via usage by thousands or even millions of developers over time.

Also, the problem to be solved is well defined (by a very detailed technical specification). And the nature of the task lends itself easily to unit / system tests. I.e. it is basically translating textual input in a very specific format to output in another kind of well defined format (some sort of bytecode or machine code). So it is easy to create and verify test cases.

Moreover, usually the bugs are easy to reproduce too: apart from the exact platform and compiler version info, usually all you need is a piece of input code. Not to mention that the compiler users (being developers themselves) tend to give far more precise and detailed bug reports than any average computer user :-)

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