Scalability – How Concerned Should You Be About Load Balancing?


I'm currently working on a project which will have client applications (desktop & android & web) communicate with varies processes running on a server(s).

My question is how much should I be thinking about load balancing and the like?

All projects which I have worked on before consisted of creating applications for internal use within companies so the number of connections was alwyas very low (probably no more than 50 at a time).

However in my own time I decided to start creating a piece of accounting software, just because. So what I have ended up with is a WPF desktop application, and ASP.NET MVC web site and an Android App which all connect to various processes/data running on my server.

On the server there is an SQL database (MS), various WCF services for communication from client to server and a few services running cleanup stuff.

This works fine when I'm testing and its just me connected. However I have no idea how it will scale if a few people start connecting at once.

I'm not even sure if I will release the software, let alone anyone use it! However as part of a learning exercise how should I be developing the system so that it could take on a large load and not crash/delay.

I'm aware this could be a very open question and could be subjective to a lot of things, but as I say I have no experience in this department and it's something I would like to learn.

Best Answer

However I have no idea how it will scale if a few people start connecting at once.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil. If it works, don't fix it, and if you are curious if it scales then don't lose sleep over it and just test it.

It doesn't matter if you'll ever release the software, there are numerous tools that can help you run automated load and stress tests, simulating thousands or even millions of connections. It really is as simple as that, if your tests show there's a problem, fix it, if not, move on.