How does a Scrum team account for infrastructure tasks in the planning meeting


How does a Scrum team account for dev/infrastructure tasks in the planning meeting?

At first glance, they do not seem like user stories since they do not deliver end user value.

However, attaching them as tasks to a particular user story sometimes does not make sense either. For example, say the task is: "Setup Bamboo." That task is not required to complete any user story since the team could manually build and deploy. So attaching it to a user story does not make sense since this task is not required to complete the user story.

So, then, this suggests that these tasks become user stories. But then, if the team story points them, then this changes the velocity which is odd since the Product Owner wants to know the velocity against his backlog, not against his backlog with a bunch of technical user stories attached to it.

Best Answer

They're not actually user stories. They're stakeholder stories. Unless the software is actually paid for direct by users, it's rare that a story is created entirely for their benefit.

I give you a couple of examples:

  • keyworded articles, which allow advertisers to have more effective adverts
  • CAPTCHAs, which are there to stop moderators having to deal with spam manually.

Most technical stories actually provide a business benefit, but it's rarely for the users. Phrasing them in a different way can help. I normally use Chris Matts' Feature Injection template:

In order to <achieve my goal>
As <the stakeholder who wants the goal>
I want (<some users to do>) <some stuff>.

This explicitly recognises all kinds of stakeholders, including the development team. Now you can phrase your technical stories too, calling out the business benefit:

In order to minimize the risk of deploying something broken
As the team deploying the code
We want to spend a few days on an automated deployment system.

I've written a couple of blog posts on this: They're not User Stories, and Feature Injection and handling technical stories. Hope they help.