Functional Programming – How Does the Maybe Monad Relate to the Option Type?

functional programmingmonad

I was doing a presentation on F# and was discussing the Option type when someone in the audience asked me if the Option type is F#'s implementation of the maybe monad. I know that's not the case but I did want to ask how the two concepts are related. I mean it seems to me that an option type might be the result of the operation of a maybe monad but I'm not even sure of that.

Would someone elucidate the relationship between the maybe monad and the option type in those functional languages which support it?

Best Answer

Reading the documentation on F#'s Option type, it looks like it does behave pretty much exactly like the Maybe type in Haskell, in that it can model either 'nothing' (None in F#, Nothing in Haskell), or a value of its argument type (Some in F#, Just in Haskell).

In Haskell, however, Maybe is also a monad, and the plumbing is such that it allows for calculations on Maybe values, early-returning Nothing if any of the variables in the calculation is Nothing. Used this way, Maybe is a simple error handler (or rather, error-ignoring device), and the fact that it is a monad allows moving the boilerplate out of the way. Look at this wikipedia article for a nice concise example. I don't think Option supports this kind of monadic usage (in fact, I'm wondering whether there is any explicit concept of a monad in F# at all). If you want this behavior in .NET, I guess you'd use Option.Value for all your arguments, and wrap the whole calculation in a try / catch on NullReferenceException.

So, while Option is similar to the Maybe type, it is not an equivalent to the Maybe monad.