Assembly – How to Convert Binary/Hex to Assembly Instructions


So i've been trying to learn some Embedded/Assembly programming for a bit here lately, as well as going far as trying to learn the lowest level (gates and such).

One thing puzzles me though….is how do we "get" instruction sets. I understand somewhat how gates/TTL and such works, but I don't see how we get from that to mov,add,clr etc…?

It's probably a stupid question….but I mean I think back to the first micro-processors/controllers and think….how exactly did they design an instruction set and make it work?

edit: I guess for Clarity, pretend im talking about the first microprocessor, how did they go from Binary to actually creating an Instruction Set?

Best Answer

The heart of a CPU is the ALU. It's responsible for taking an instruction (like MOV) which is just some pre-defined series of binary digits, and also taking 0, 1, or 2 operands, and performing the applicable operation on them. The simplest instruction could be a NOP (no operation) which essentially does nothing. Another typical operation is ADD (adds two values).

The ALU reads and writes data from and to "registers". These are small memory locations internal to the CPU. Part of the instruction (2 to 3 bits for each input depending on how many registers you have) indicates which register to read from. There are units in the CPU external to the ALU that handle loading required data (and the instruction) from memory into registers, and writing the result from registers back into memory. The location to write the result will also be encoded into another 2 or 3 bits.

The choice of "op codes", which is the binary number that represents an operation, is not arbitrary. Well-chosen opcodes reduce the complexity of the ALU. Each bit or group of bits tends to enable and disable certain logic gate in the ALU. For instance, an ADD instruction would have to enable the output stage to choose the result of the internal adding logic. Likewise, a MUL instruction would choose the result of the multiply logic. Depending on the design, it's quite likely that both the adder and multiply circuits both actually perform their operation on the input operands, and it's just the output selection (what gets written to the output bits of the ALU) that changes.

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