Website Security – How Important Is an SSL Certificate?


I'm bootstrapping my own project, it has a registration/login area (via devise with RoR, properly hashed and salted of course). As I'm using subdomains and I need to access them with iframes (it's justified, really!) I'd need one of those expensive certificates that cover subdomains.

As I'm doing this out of my own time and money, so I'm hesitant to drop a couple of hundreds on a certificate, plus a couple of hours delving into something I haven't tried before. I'm not storing any sensitive information besides the email address and the password. As far as I understand, the only vulnerability happens when a user logs or signs up from an unencrypted network (such as a coffee shop) and someone is listening the network.

Am I being cheap? Is this something I should tackle before releasing into the wild. I probably should mention I have 25,000 users signed up to be notified when I launch, so I'm nervous about it.

Best Answer

In the time since this question was asked, a lot has changed. Does your site need HTTPS? YES!

  1. Certificates with domain validation are free from many providers, e.g. Let's Encrypt. These certificates are just as good as those for which you pay money. Thanks to server name identification, it is not necessary to own an IP address.

  2. Browsers are increasingly marking non-HTTPS pages as insecure, rather than neutral. Having your site marked as insecure doesn't look good.

  3. Modern web technologies require encryption. Whether it's Chrome's policy of only enabling new features for HTTPS sites, Google's preferred ranking for HTTPS sites, or encrypted HTTP/2 being faster than plaintext HTTP/1.1, you are leaving opportunities on the table. Yes, encryption does add load to your servers, but this is unnoticeable for most sites – and particularly unnoticeable to users.

  4. Privacy is more important than ever. Whether it's ISPs selling your clickstream or secret services sifting through all your connections, there's no good reason to leave any communication publicly visible. Use HTTPS by default, and only use HTTP if you're sure any transmitted information can safely be public, and may be tampered with.

    Note that passwords must not be transmitted over plaintext connections.

    Under some regulations such as the EU-GDPR, you are required to implement state of the art security measures, which would generally include HTTPS for websites.

There are a couple of non-solutions:

  • “Use OAuth instead of passwords” misses the point that there still are password-like tokens involved. At the very least, your users will have a session cookie that must be protected, as it serves as a temporary password.

  • Self-signed certificates are rejected by browsers. It is possible to add an exception, but most users will not be able to do that. Note that presenting a self-signed cert is indistinguishable to the user from a MITM attack using an invalid cert.

So: Certificates are free and HTTPS can make your site faster. There is no longer any valid excuse. Next steps: read this guide on migrating to HTTPS.

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