How important is it to learn jQuery with ASP.NET


I'm reading a chapter on jQuery in a ASP.NET book. To be honest I'm finding it quite boring.

How important is it to learn jQuery? And do many ASP.NET developers use it for their pages?


Best Answer

It is not at all important to learn jQuery with ASP.Net. Many people find it useful, but the two are not even remotely related. It is entirely possible to build a full-featured, useful website with ASP.Net and not ever once touch jQuery. It is a common framework, and quite powerful if you have need of its capabilities, but it has nothing to do with .Net.

There are a lot of people on this site who are manic about jQuery in that they believe every site/page should have jQuery built in and used when, in truth, it's just a framework. If you have need of its capabilities, then it's absolutely recommended because it's quick, easy and understandable. If you aren't making use of it on a regular basis, then you're just wasting overhead on loading a framework that you don't need.

That being said, I would still recommend that you tough it out and make it through the chapter because you may find that jQuery holds framework functionality that you were unaware of but would find useful. It's not necessary, but i could be very, very helpful.

Edit: I forgot to answer your last question. Yes, it is a very popular framework that is so common that Microsoft included it in the ASP.Net MVC distributions as a standard.

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