Dependency Injection – How is Dependency Injection Not Just Moving the Complexity?


I've been looking into using the Typhoon framework for dependency injection this week. I get that separating the construction of objects is beneficial for replacing arbitrary components with mocks during unit testing, and so far I have seen benefits from this alone.

But I cannot help but think that where before I had a humongous view controller class that had tens of header imports, I now have a humongous factory class that has tens of header imports. Am I supposed to avoid having a massive factory class?

Best Answer

Dependency Injection simply helps define how one object knows about another dependent object. It is not going to help you reduce the overall complexity of the system. If you needed tens of import before DI, you will still need tens of imports after. The difference is that these imports will be in a location (class) that makes more sense (factory, builder, etc).

By allowing dependencies to be provided through a constructor or method you allow yourself the flexibility to supply a different, yet still valid, dependent object to your class and increase cohesion of said class by removing concerns.

There are several principles that are similar and are often used together: Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control (IoC), and the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

From this article

DI is about wiring, IoC is about direction, and DIP is about shape

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