How much code should I be responsible for


Through colleagues and exit interviews, I have heard that at my small company I am "responsible" for anywhere from 3-10 times more code than I would be at another job. I'm trying to look for some sort of fuzzy metric that I can use to compare my workload with others in my field.

By "code responsibility", I don't mean "I'm the only one who knows area X of the code base" (though sadly, it's often true in a startup environment), but rather am referring to a number like "code_base_size/number_of_developers".

Are there any resources I can use to help me more accurately measure my work load than just counting lines of code?

Best Answer

The only concrete measure for an employed developer is the number of hours spend coding and fixing bugs, and the money you get paid for it. If you are staying late at night 6 days a week for 50K US$ a year, then you have a problem. No matter how many lines of code your boss want you to be responsible for, you won't handle more than you can do, taking account of a certain code quality of course. Developing poor quality code with no unit tests is a good way to handle much more code, but the company will have to pay the price of a large technical debt.

In small companies developers tend to be responsible for much more code than in large corp. The factor 3 to 10 you are referring to seems realistic to me.

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