How to apply Readme Driven Development to an ongoing project


I'm assigned to a project where the goal is to update an existing software. This software was developed in a totally ad hoc manner, which means that any documentation generated is outdated, confused and just plain useless. I do not want to retroactivelly produce all the missing artifacts, since this would just be a waste of time. The code base is ugly, and really need some serious refactoring, but this is another story.

What I want is to apply Readme Driven Development to guide this project. So, basically, I want to write a Readme, which will document every change meaningful at the user level. The problem is, I have no idea about how to structure this document. For me, it's pretty clear that it should have a different layout than the traditional Readme. I really want to document changes, and not the current state of affairs.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

The author of the blog post was trying to make a point about how the Agile Manifesto emphasizes "working software over comprehensive documentation", and that when you do this, you risk losing the information about how software is supposed to work.

What's needed, whether it's Waterfall, Rational Rose, Agile, or some other SDLCM, is a "statement of purpose". It is some textual description of what is to be done, and why, at a detail level fine enough in the right areas that a developer can take this description into the team room as his "requirements", and produce correctly-behaving software as a result of his development efforts, guided by whatever methodology he or his team or managers see fit to follow.

In Waterfall, this is the Requirements Document. It's all defined, in detail, up front, before development begins, and if it changes while the project is out for development, development stops and the team reverts to the "design" phase.

In UML/Rational Rose, this is a "use case narrative". It describes what the "actor" (a person in a specific business role, or an external automaton such as another program) will do that should trigger some action, and what will happen within the system as a result of this action.

In Agile, this is a "user story", the exact form of which can differ depending on the exact flavor of Agile, but the two I've seen are similar to a UML "use case narrative" and a slightly different approach: "As a... I want... so that...". Similar to a use case in that the actor and the basic action are mentioned, but the addition is an integration of the business need into the context of the story, so when designing the solution, the development team can keep the business need in mind.

None of these is a "readme", and frankly I wouldn't want to read a readme that was written in the way the blogger suggests; it will be long, it will be ordered only according to the order in which the developer added the requested features, and it will be written by a developer, who will have his own perspective on what he's adding or changing and why that may not coincide with the perspective a user would have.

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