How to approach database design?


I am primarily a web developer and I have a couple of personal projects which I want to kick off.

One thing that is bugging me is database design. I have gone through in school db normalization and stuff like that but it has been a couple of years ago and I have never had experience with relational database design except for school.

So how you do you approach database from a web app perspective? How do you begin and what do you look out for? What are flags for caution?

Best Answer

The best book I ever bought regarding database design was Database Design for Mere Mortals by Michael Hernandez ISBN: 0-201-69471-9. Amazon Listing I noticed he has a third edition.

Link to third edition

He walks you through the entire process of (from start to finish) of designing a database. I recommend you start with this book.

You have to learn to look at things in groups or chunks. Database design has simple building blocks just like programming does. If you gain a thorough understanding of these simple building blocks you can tackle any database design.

In programming you have:

  • If Constructs
  • If Else Constructs
  • Do While Loops
  • Do Until Loops
  • Case Constructs

With databases you have:

  • Data Tables
  • Lookup Tables
  • One to One relationships
  • One to Many Relationships
  • Many to Many relationships
  • Primary keys
  • Foreign keys

The simpler you make things the better. A database is nothing more than a place where you put data into cubbie holes. Start by identifying what these cubbie holes are and what kind of stuff you want in them.

You are never going to create the perfect database design the first time you try. This is a fact. Your design will go through several refinements during the process. Sometimes things won't seem apparent until you start entering data, and then you have an ah ha moment.

The web brings it's own sets of challenges. Bandwith issues. Statelessness. Erroneous data from processes that start but never get finished.

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