Method Overloading – How to Avoid Excessive Overloading

clean codelegacy coderefactoring

We have quite a lot of places in the source code of our application , where one class has many methods with same names and different parameters. Those methods always have all the parameters of a 'previous' method plus one more.

It's a result of long evolution (legacy code) and this thinking (I believe):

"There is a method M that does thing A. I need to do A + B. OK, I know … I will add a new parameter to M, create a new method for that, move code from M to the new method with one more parameter, do the A + B over there and call the new method from M with a default value of the new parameter."

Here is an example (in Java-like-language):

class DocumentHome {


  public Document createDocument(String name) {
    // just calls another method with default value of its parameter
    return createDocument(name, -1);

  public Document createDocument(String name, int minPagesCount) {
    // just calls another method with default value of its parameter
    return createDocument(name, minPagesCount, false);

  public Document createDocument(String name, int minPagesCount, boolean firstPageBlank) {
    // just calls another method with default value of its parameter
    return createDocument(name, minPagesCount, false, "");

  public Document createDocument(String name, int minPagesCount, boolean firstPageBlank, String title) {
    // here the real work gets done


I feel like this is wrong. Not only that we can't keep adding new parameters like this forever, but the code hard to extend/change because of all the dependencies between methods.

Here are few ways how to do this better:

  1. Introduce a parameter object:

    class DocumentCreationParams {
      String name;
      int minPagesCount;
      boolean firstPageBlank;
      String title;
    class DokumentHome {
      public Document createDocument(DocumentCreationParams p) {
        // here the real work gets done
  2. Set the parameters to the DocumentHome object before we call createDocument()

      DocumentHome dh = null;
      Document newDocument = dh.createDocument();
  3. Separate the work into different methods and call them as needed:

      DocumentHome dh = null;
      Document newDocument = dh.createDocument();
      dh.changeName(newDocument, "name");
      dh.changeMinPagesCount(new Document, 10);

My questions:

  1. Is the described problem really a problem?
  2. What do you think about suggested solutions? Which one would you prefer (based on your experience)?
  3. Can you think of any other solution?

Best Answer

Maybe try the builder pattern? (note: fairly random Google result :)

var document = new DocumentBuilder()

I cannot give a full rundown of why I prefer builder over the options you give, but you have identified a large problem with a lot of code. If you think you need more than two parameters to a method you probably have your code structured wrongly (and some would argue one!).

The problem with a params object is (unless the object you create is in some way real) you just push the problem up a level, and you end up with a cluster of unrelated parameters forming the 'object'.

Your other attempts look to me like someone reaching for the builder pattern but not quite getting there :)

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