How to customize web-app (pages and UI) for different customers


We have an ASP.NET web-application which has become difficult to maintain, and I'm looking for ideas on how to redesign it. It's an employee administration system which can be highly customized for each of our customers. Let me explain how it works now:

On the default page we have a menu where a user can select a task, such as Create Employee or View Timesheet. I'll use Create Employee as an example.

When a user selects Create Employee from the menu, an ASPX page is loaded which contains a dynamically loaded usercontrol for the selected menuitem, e.g. for Create Employee this would be AddEmployee.ascx

If the user clicks Save on the control, it navigates to the default page.
Some menuitems involve multiple steps, so if the user clicks Next on a multi-step flow then it will navigate to the next page in the flow, and so on until it reaches the final step, where clicking Save navigates to the default page.

Some customers may require an extra step in the Create Employee flow (e.g. SecurityClearance.ascx) but others may not.

Different customers may use the same ASCX usercontrol, so in the AddEmployee.OnInit we can customize the fields for that customer, i.e. making certain fields hidden or readonly or mandatory.

The following things are customizable per customer:

  • Menu items
  • Steps in each flow (ascx control names)
  • Hidden fields in each ascx
  • Mandatory fields in each ascx
  • Rules relating to each ascx, which allows certain logic to be used in the code for that customer

The customizations are held in a huge XML file per customer, which could be 7500 lines long.

Is there any framework or rules-engine that we could use to customize our application in this way? How do other applications manage customizations per customer?

Best Answer

If your regular data is held in a database I'm not entirely sure why you'd want to have all of that customer specific information in an xml file. Move it into the database.

Next, there are many different kinds of rules engines out there. Considering you're using you might want to look at Windows Workflow for at least some of this. You might read the following:

A long time ago I used a product called Haley Rules to drive a c# web app. It controlled everything from the screens that were available right down to the fields that appeared and whether they were required or not. It took awhile to get the team on board with how it worked, but once that happened bringing on a new client was extremely simple. Haley was since gobbled up by Oracle, but was probably the absolute best one out there.

Others you might be interested in are NxBRE and even nCalc. NxBRE is an actual rules engine which is a port of one built for java. nCalc on the other hand isn't a rules engine per se. However, if you can express your logic in simple boolean statements then it is extremely fast. I'm currently using this to drive page flow in one of our applications.

Some commercial ones include: FlexRule, iLog

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