How to determine a ‘release’ date when a team uses Scrum


I'm new to scrum and using it on a project. We do 3 week iterations, estimate at the beginning and then collect the points at the end.

We have a product back log (probably not complete).

If you do estimates of the entire back log at the beginning aren't those estimate just 'wild ass guesses'

So when do you estimate the back log and how do you determine a release date?


Best Answer

If you do estimates of the entire back log at the beginning aren't those estimate just 'wild ass guesses'?


So when do you estimate the back log and how do you determine a release date?

You have periodic release sprints in and among your build sprints.

Don't wait.

Put software in the hands of users as early and often as possible.

In principle, each sprint leads to something that could be released to users.

If your sprints aren't releasable, you're planning them poorly.

You should consider that each sprint is eligible for demonstration or acceptance testing. And you should release more often than once at the very end.

At some point, you'll have a release which users really like and backlog that's non-zero, but so low-value that the product owner decides that no more active development sprints are needed.

In one sense, you're done. Users are happy.

In another sense, you're not done. Backlog is not empty.

This point is very, very difficult to foresee, but is the most important part of Agile methods. You've created enough value and avoided wasting time on low-value elements of the original vision.