Recursion – How to Determine the Runtime of a Double Recursive Function

big orecursionruntime

Given any arbitrarily double-recursive function, how would one calculate its run time?

For Example (in pseudocode):

int a(int x){
  if (x < = 0)
    return 1010;
    return b(x-1) + a(x-1);
int b(int y){
  if (y <= -5)
    return -2;
    return b(a(y-1));

Or something along those lines.

What methods could or should one use to determine something like this?

Best Answer

You keep on changing your function. But keep picking ones that will run forever without conversion..

Recursion gets complicated, fast. The first step to analyzing a proposed doubly recursive function is to try to trace it through on some sample values, to see what it does. If your calculation gets into an infinite loop, the function is not well defined. If your calculation gets into a spiral that keeps on getting bigger numbers (which happens very easily), it is probably not well defined.

If tracing it through gives an answer, you then try to come up with some pattern or recurrence relation between the answers. Once you have that, you can try to figure out its runtime. Figuring it out can be very, very complicated, but we have results such as the Master theorem that let us figure out the answer in many cases.

Beware that even with single recursion, it is easy to come up with functions whose runtime we do not know how to calculate. For instance consider the following:

def recursive (n):
    if 0 == n%2:
        return 1 + recursive(n/2)
    elif 1 == n:
        return 0
        return recursive(3*n + 1)

It is currently unknown whether this function is always well-defined, let alone what its runtime is.

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