How to Develop on Windows and Test on Linux


I am one of two developers for some internal software (written in python) in my company. Software is a server application designed to run on a dedicated Linux box. Currently, we have one box holding our SVN repository and this box is also used for testing. The problem is that I am developing it on my workstation using Eclipse on Windows and this app can't run on Windows.

How to properly organize such environment so that you can don't lose valuable time on transferring the project and code around so that you can test it?

Currently I am doing svn checkout, change some code and then upload it to the development server for testing (not via svn). Test it on the server, change something, test it again etc. After all of that comes the commit. This constant uploading and testing is driving me crazy. I've tried to keep the project on the server (checkout to home dir) but this causes a whole lot of problems with Eclipse.

Obviously I don't have a lot of experience in this, so I am asking what are the best practices concerning this kinds of problems?

Best Answer

Mount the folder on the Linux box. That way you can interact directly with the code. Works a charm!

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